
  • Mom holding arms around pregnant belly
  • Mother and father feeding a baby
  • Mother and father looking at their baby
  • 三位微笑的孕妇
  • A pregnant woman looking at computer
  • Woman holding baby in the air
  • A pregnant woman looking at book
  • Two women smiling and playing with baby

第九条保护妇女免受与怀孕、分娩、假怀孕、 termination of pregnancy or recovery from any of these conditions. 它禁止 学校不得对学生的父母、家庭或婚姻状况施加任何规定 that treats students differently based on their sex. 第九条 also ensures the right 请必要的病假,不受骚扰、恐吓或其他 discrimination because of pregnancy or parenting related conditions. 

十大彩票网投平台致力于创造一个温馨的环境, accessible and inclusive for pregnant and parenting students. 学生可要求 合理安排怀孕和育儿相关的条件. 请检查 下面提供的信息可以找到常见问题的答案 to request assistance with accommodations.



▼   How can I request pregnancy or parenting related accommodations?

怀孕和有父母的学生应填写住宿申请 走出网络 form. 教育法第九章办公室的人会联系你,讨论你的怀孕或育儿问题 需要. You will need to submit supporting documentation (i.e. 医生的信) with your request for accommodations.

此外,因怀孕而患有慢性疾病的学生  should also make contact with the Center for Educational 可访问性 & 残疾的资源 电话:(251)460-7212,或发邮件至disabilityservices@bellezhang.com.

▼   What types of accommodations can I request?

学生将根据其怀孕和 与养育子女有关的需要. Specific accommodations will vary from student to student. Some examples of accommodations may include:

  • 提供更大的办公桌.
  • Allowing breaks during class, as needed.
  • Permitting temporary faculty/staff parking.
  • 重新安排测试或考试.
  • Excusing absences due to pregnancy or related conditions.
  • Submitting work after a deadline missed due to pregnancy or childbirth.*
  • Providing alternatives 弥补错过的工作.
  • 允许合理的哺乳时间和哺乳空间.
  • 允许有需要的家长请假(无论男女) 带孩子去看医生或照顾生病的孩子.

*怀孕学生因身体原因缺课,可以补课 因怀孕缺勤. 学生 will be offered acceptable alternative arrangements 弥补错过的工作. The student will not be required to complete make up work 直到学生因怀孕的医疗必要缺课结束.


学生不需要告知任何人自己怀孕或养育子女的情况. 然而,大学的目标是创造一个环境,鼓励学生 与第九条部门分享这些信息,以便大学可以提供 the proper support and assistance. 

学生因怀孕、分娩、 or other related medical conditions. A professor cannot reduce a pregnant student’s 由于学生在上课期间缺席的出席或参与分数而评分 excused absences due to her pregnancy-related conditions. 教授必须给出 学生有合理的机会补回因怀孕而错过的学分.
▼校园里是否有专门的区域供妈妈们解决与母乳喂养有关的问题 需要?


  • 学生中心168室 
  • North Humanities Building, Office 4

十大彩票网投平台禁止基于性别的歧视和骚扰 的性. 认为自己受到歧视的怀孕或已育学生 或因符合资格条件而受到骚扰的员工可向《十大彩票平台官网》提出投诉 通过点击下面提供的链接来报告第九条事件. 


学院信息 & 工作人员

▼   What do I do if a student tells me they're pregnant?
询问他们是否需要任何帮助,以及他们是否与第九条办公室见过面. 如果他们没有,请将他们转介到怀孕和育儿住宿表 on the 第九条 Office webpage .
我们为所有因怀孕,分娩,假怀孕, termination of pregnancy, or recovery. This includes doctor appointments. 通过  第九条办公室,教职员工应该原谅那些因医疗原因而缺课的学生 by the appropriate medical professional. 学生 should be referred to the Title IX Office for the purpose of documenting medical 需要.
教师 cannot ask for doctor’s notes. Please refer the student to the 第九条 office for documentation and support.
▼   What do reasonable accommodations look like for a pregnant student? 
合理的安排可以是允许经常上厕所,一张更大的桌子 如果需要,也可以换个椅子. The length of time needed for medically required absences can vary depending on the student's situation.
我应该在我的教学大纲中加入哪些措辞来确保不歧视和包容 for pregnant or parenting students?
十大彩票网投平台不歧视任何学生 of pregnancy or related conditions. Absences due to medical conditions relating to 怀孕将被原谅只要医学上有必要的学生 医生和学生将有机会补课. 学生 需要住宿的学生可以向第九条办公室寻求住宿方面的帮助.



Request 怀孕与育儿 Accommodations

Report 怀孕与育儿 Discrimination or Harassment

Resources for 怀孕与育儿 学生